I did an interview with Edutainment Learning and talked to students about my career in EdTech. I actually wasn’t sure exactly what I would be sharing when the interview started but I did manage to get my journey down at a high level. Those of you who know me -- the me before education, the me before graduating college -- know that at different parts of my life I wanted to be… A LOT OF THINGS. At one point in my life I actually thought I was done with what I was going to be but of course, that was not the case (thank goodness).
Those of us insanely curious folks understand that our learning journey never ends -- the end of an era (or a career) just signals the beginning of a new place to explore, a new person to meet or a new career opportunity.
As students eagerly asked for general career advice, I shared that being curious can lead you to better opportunities and a more fulfilling life. As such, what one person defines as success in life may not be the definition of another’s. It’s important to define that early on so that you don’t end up chasing rainbows or someone else’s definition of success for you. But even if you don’t figure that out early on, remember, Samuel L. Jackson found his calling at 46. And then there’s Vera Wang, Charles Darwin, Julia Child, Ray Kroc (McDonald’s) and others.
In addition, while you may feel content and fulfilled one day, you may be presented with new challenges and a strong desire to explore something new the next. This doesn’t typically happen in the course of a day or a month (it may for you but not for me). Over time however, it’s important to listen to your inner voice. I have noticed that if I stay put for too long and stop exploring things around me that I get sad, bored, discontent. It’s not the people of course but the sense that pretty soon, quickly enough, life will be cut short -- and I mean to say that yes, even 100 years of age will be too short for me. And because the older you get, the shorter a year represents as a percentage of your whole life, it’s easy to feel the opportunities of your life passing by.
As you listen to other interviews on the Edutainment website, take care in the advice offered to students. I had much of the same advice and am glad I had a chance to review some so as to not repeat what they may have already heard recently. The interviews with others are really, really good. It’s fair to say that Ralph and his team take care to select people who seem to be deeply passionate about the work that they do and the life they have led. I hope that we continue to stay in touch and I hope that you all have a good time exploring other’s. Maybe a new career change opportunity waits for you...
If you’d like to watch my interview with Edutainment Learning about EdTech, click here.
I also interviewed Ralph Krauss, the Creator and Founder of Edutainment Learning, on my YouTube channel and we discussed how Edutainment Learning was created and why it’s such a great resource for educators. To watch that interview, click here.
To watch Edutainment Learning’s videos, click here.
- Blanca E. Duarte, Chief Enablement Officer, LogicWing