In the ever-evolving landscape of education, co-teaching has emerged as a powerful strategy to meet the diverse needs of students. Co-taught classrooms, where two or more educators collaborate to deliver instruction, provide a dynamic environment for learning. To enhance the effectiveness of this teaching approach, integrating technology can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we'll explore various ways to leverage technology to support a co-taught classroom from both an instructional and administrative perspective.
Instructional Ways to Use Technology for Co-teaching
Use tools like NearPod or EdPuzzle to support blended learning and students working at their own pace during instruction. Including pauses during the video allows students to self-check for understanding and helps educators catch misunderstandings early. In addition chunking up videos into smaller videos provides a scaffolded approach to address the needs of all students in the class.
Use technology tools like iReady, Moby Max, Prodigy Math, and others to allow students to learn at their own pace. Students love to work at their own pace. After all humans aren't robots. Being able to spend the time we need learning new information lowers the affect filter and tells our brain that we are in a safe environment where we are not racing against the clock. In a co-taught class you'll find many different learning paces.
Use tools like Seesaw, WeVideo or FlipGrid to allow students to show what they know through annotations, audio, video and more. Allowing various ways for students to show growth provides choice, flexibility, opportunity for creativity, and allows them to to teach each other new things.
Use digital graphic organizers to help students organize thoughts before writing (in addition to working collaboratively with peers). Creativity incorporate visual graphic organizers like BrainPop's Make-a-Map where students can connect the dots using pictures and vocabulary.
Use accessibility options in Google or device operating systems to support spell check, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, read aloud, etc. Co-taught classes have many needs; take advantage of the fact that there are multiple educators in the same room that can address and personalize student needs.
Co-taught classrooms need opportunities for students to interact. But interacting doesn't have to mean just turning and talking. Adopt a strategy that allows students to use blogs to share ideas. Use BookCreator or a simple discussion forum for sharing thoughts and ideas.
Administrative Ways to Use Technology for Co-teaching
Use student management system to keep track of data
Use IEP software to set goals together
Collect assessment data from tools like NearPod, EdPuzzle, etc. to provide evidence of mastery
Use screencasts to outline step-by-step instruction for students who need it
Use video to produce lecture based content that can be listened to and watched over and over for students who need to hear/see multiple times
Technology offers a myriad of opportunities to enhance co-taught classrooms. By integrating these tools strategically, educators can create a more inclusive, engaging, and effective learning environment that meets the diverse needs of all students. Embracing technology in co-teaching not only facilitates collaboration but also empowers educators to cater to individual learning styles, fostering a positive and enriching educational experience.
Which of these tips have you used before? Which do you want to try? Leave us a comment below and share these tips with your co-workers in a beautiful print out!